MORNING DROP OFF TO REDBANK GORGE FROM ALICE SPRING. Transfers to Redbank Gorge Trailhead, the official start point for Section 12. Add food drops and other extras during booking process.
MORNING PICK UP FROM REDBANK GORGE & DROP OFF TO ALICE SPRING. Transfers from Redbank Gorge Trailhead, the official start point for Section 12. Add food drops and other extras during booking process.
MORNING DROP OFF TO ORMISTON GORGE FROM ALICE SPRINGS. Transfers to Ormiston Gorge Trailhead, the official start point for Section 10. The drop-off point is at the Ormiston Gorge Kiosk/ Food Storeroom area.
MORNING DROP OFF TO SERPENTINE CHALET DAM. Transfers to Serpentine Chalet Dam Trailhead, the official start point for Section 9.
MORNING DROP OFF TO SERPENTINE GORGE FROM ALICE SPRINGS. Transfers to Serpentine Gorge Trailhead, the official start point for Section 8. The drop-off point is at the main carpark area, approx 700 south of the actual trailhead.
MORNING DROP OFF TO ELLERY CREEK FROM ALICE SPRINGS. Drop off to Ellery Creek Trailhead, the official start point for Section 7. Drop off point is at the information trailhead near the ablution block/food storeroom area
MORNING DROP OFF TO STANDLEY CHASM FROM ALICE SPRINGS. Drop off transfer to Standley Chasm Trailhead, the official start point for Section 4. Drop off point is at or near the grassed campsite area or trailhead information point.
MORNING DROP OFF TO HUGH GORGE FROM ALICE SPRINGS. This is a remote trailhead which requires high clearance 4WD to access. Drop off point is at the Hugh Gorge 4WD campsite/carpark.
MORNING DROP OFF TO BIRTHDAY WATERHOLE FROM ALICE SPRINGS. Drop off transfer to Birthday Waterhole (Section 4-5 Junction Trailhead), the official start point for Section 5. Ex Alice Springs.
MIDDAY PICK UP FROM ORMISTON GORGE & DROP OFF TO ALICE SPRINGS. Transfers to Ormiston Gorge Trailhead, the official start point for Section 10. The drop-off point is at the Ormiston Gorge Kiosk/ Food Storeroom area.
MIDDAY PICK-UP: Larapinta Trail Transfer from Serpentine Gorge back to Alice Springs.
AFTERNOON PICK UP FROM SERPENTINE CHALET DAM & DROP OFF TO ALICE SPRINGS. Transfers from Serpentine Chalet Dam Trailhead, the official start point for Section 9.
AFTERNOON PICK UP FROM ELLERY CREEK TO ALICE SPRINGS: Afternoon pick up from Ellery Creek Trailhead, the official start point for Section 7. Drop off point is at the information trailhead near the ablution block/food storeroom area.
AFTERNOON PICK UP FROM STANDLEY CHASM & DROP OFF TO ALICE SPRINGS. Pick up transfer from Standley Chasm Trailhead, the official start point for Section 4.
AFTERNOON DROP OFF TO STANDLEY CHASM FROM ALICE SPRINGS. Drop off transfer to Standley Chasm Trailhead, the official start point for Section 4. Drop off point is at or near the grassed campsite area or trailhead information point.
AFTERNOON DROP OFF TO HUGH GORGE FROM ALICE SPRINGS. This is a remote trailhead which requires high clearance 4WD to access. Drop off point is at the Hugh Gorge 4WD campsite/carpark.
AFTERNOON PICK UP FROM BIRTHDAY WATERHOLE & DROP OFF TO ALICE SPRINGS. Pick up transfer from Birthday Waterhole (Section 4-5 Junction Trailhead), the official start point for Section 5.
AFTERNOON DROP OFF TO HUGH GORGE FROM ALICE SPRINGS. This is a remote trailhead which requires high clearance 4WD to access. Drop off point is at the Hugh Gorge 4WD campsite/carpark.
MORNING PICK-UP FROM OCHRE PITS: 10AM Transfer back to Alice Springs